Nginx http code 499
Http status codes 是我们做web开发需要了解的,昨天,我们的log记录到同一时间的重复请求, 其中有一个请求返回的HTTP状态码为499,另一个是200, 但是查阅http的状态码规范RFC,我们并没有发现这个状态码的定义。 那显然,这个code是Nginx自定义的,查询wiki看到下面的结果:
499 Client Closed Request (Nginx):
Used in Nginx logs to indicate when the connection has been closed by client while the server is still processing its request, making server unable to send a status code back.[75]
List: nginx
Subject: Re: 499 error in nginx
From: Igor Sysoev <is () rambler-co ! ru>
Date: 2007-08-27 10:44:30
Message-ID: 20070827104430.GA50945 () rambler-co ! ru
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On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 04:01:33PM +0530, Abhishek Singh wrote:
> I am using nginx as a web and proxy server for mongrel, its working fine but
> i am facing one problem with nginx , i am getting 499 http client error code
> in nginx log file, earlier when i was using lighttpd and pound so i was not
> getting 499 error. So can anyone please explain me what is the main problem
> and how can i resolve this and what is the exact definition of 499 http
> status code.
* HTTP does not define the code for the case when a client closed
* the connection while we are processing its request so we introduce
* own code to log such situation when a client has closed the connection
* before we even try to send the HTTP header to it
Igor Sysoev
另外,Nginx是一个开源项目,托管在github上,我们通过grep, 找到源码:
* HTTP does not define the code for the case when a client closed
* the connection while we are processing its request so we introduce
* own code to log such situation when a client has closed the connection
* before we even try to send the HTTP header to it
- 我们Nginx收到两条请求都创建了数据库数据.
- 两条log的另一个区别就是客户端的IP地址改变.
- 根据log上UserAgent,我们发现这是一个oppo 手机的android 4.2的浏览器.
- 两次请求的时间一致(秒级别)
根据以上收集的证据,我们大致推断为: 当用户准备提交,请求已经到了服务器的程序端,而在服务器返回之前,用户手机的网络突变,有可能是移动过程中,换了基站,所以IP地址改变(TCP链接断开),所以请求无法到达客户端。 而浏览器在断开链接的时候,又重新发送了一次请求。
以上结果是推断,具体真实原因我们无法知道, 这需要我们在前端加数据记录并在网络好的时候反馈给服务端。